... 酒精复制 spirit duplicating 酒精成分低的 low proof 酒精清漆 alcohoic varnish ;alcoholic varnish ...
low-proof 酒精成分低的
acid-proof half low side boots 耐酸半统靴
low-voltage lightning proof 低压防雷
proof half low side boots 耐酸半统靴
explosion proof and low pollution 防爆低污染
freeze-proof at high-low bay subsidence 高低跨沉降防冻处理
It was really meant as a proof of concept anyway, so the expectations for release 0.1 were pretty low.
The EJB proxy approach described in this article is best used when you need a lightweight, low-cost solution for sandbox, test, or proof-of-concept situations.
The low failure rate was interpreted by some as proof that the tests had been too soft, but disclosure of sovereign-debt exposure reassured others.