高强韧钢替代低强钢的技术经济分析_电子资料文库 关键词:强韧钢;低强度钢;钢结构件 [gap=597]Keywords:high strengthtoughness steel;low strength steel;steel structure parts
High Strength Low Alloy Steel 高强度低合金钢 ; 低合金高强度钢 ; 镀锌钢板
High-Strength Low-Allow Steel [材] 高强度耐低温钢
Low-Alloy High-Strength Steel 低合金高强度钢
median or low strength steel 中低强度钢
medium and low strength steel 中低强度钢
High Strength Low Alloyed Steel 的新型低合金高强度钢 ; 低合金高强度钢 ; 合金高强度钢 ; 强度钢
high-strength low-alloy steel 高强度低合金钢
The quality of resistance spot welding of low carbon steel and high strength low alloy steel is studied by looking into the dynamic voltage characteristics of the electrodes.
The gear reducer for high strength steel carburizing carburizing hardening low noise transmission.
Carbon steel has high and low temperature strength is very tough and has excellent fatigue strength.