...iming Lost Buyers) 客户推荐朋友 (Increase Referral) 降低直接成本 (Lower Direct Cost) 降低行销成本 (Lower Marketing Cost) 资料库行销收集的资讯种类 采购行为相关资讯:日期、金额、产品、回应、购买频率、回购率 人口统计资料:年龄、收入、家庭人口数...
In Illinois, the state attorney general has accused the bank of marketing high-cost loans to blacks and Latinos while selling lower-cost loans to white borrowers.
The result of this thesis have got the actual meaning in engineering and theories research value in optimize enterprise marketing mode, lower the sale cost and expand the customer community, etc.
Network marketing compared to the traditional marketing mode, the cost is lower, and the spread of a wider range, more likely to cause a good marketing effect.