Wake Initiated Lucid Dreams 称之为初始醒清明梦
Dream Initiated Lucid Dreams 称之为初始梦清明梦
Lucid Dreams Scent Inhaler 清醒梦香吸入器
Hidden Memory - Lucid Dreams 隐记忆
Lucid dreams and astral sight 清澈的梦境与星辰的闪耀
以上来源于: WordNet
I'm not sure why, but my lucid dreams have a history of their own.
It's safe to say that lucid dreams are unlike anything else you've ever experienced.
It took me almost a year to be able to stay calm enough to get my lucid dreams to last more than a minute.
The exceptions are lucid dreams where you choose what to dream about, and then possibly you could be immoral if you encourage bad habits of thought.