(A)大内脏神经 (greater splanchnic nerve) (B) 小内脏神经 (lesser splanchnic nerve) (C)腰神经 (lumbar nerve) (D)骨盆神经 (pelvic nerve) 39 下列有关迷走神经 (vagus nerve) 的叙述,何者正确?
first lumbar nerve 第一腰神经
injury lumbar nerve roots 腰神经根损伤
lumbar nerve root pathway 腰神经通道
lumbar nerve medial branch 释义腰神经内侧支
lumbar nerve roots 腰神经根
fifth lumbar nerve 第五腰神经
Lumbar nerve root port 腰神经根通道
lumbar nerve-root canal 腰神经通道
Conclusion:Lumbar nerve root compression injury resulted in the overexpression of Bax and the expression inhibition of Bcl-2.
参考来源 - 益气化瘀方对腰神经压迫模型大鼠神经根组织Bax和Bcl·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet
Objective: To study the blood supply to lumbar nerve root.
Objective: To study the electrophysiological role in locating the segment of lumbar nerve dorsal roots in rat.
Objective To discuss the appraisement method and offer a quantify survey index of the lower lumbar nerve root canal osteal cubage.