luteal phase [生理] 黄体期 ; 黄体阶段
luteal phase defect 黄体功能不全 ; 黄体期缺陷 ; 黄体功能不足 ; 首先提出黄体功能不足
late luteal phase dysphoric disorder 晚黄体期焦虑症 ; 晚黄体期焦急症 ; 晚黄体期 ; 焦虑症
luteal phase support 黄体支持 ; 黄体期支持
luteal phase deficiency 黄体功能不全 ; 导致黄体功能不全 ; 功能缺失 ; 不全
short luteal phase [妇产] 黄期过短
middle luteal phase 黄体中期
Mid-luteal phase 黄体中期
Late luteal phase 黄体晚期
A key feature is that these conditions may also be present outside of the luteal phase.
The BBT chart is used to acquire information regarding ovulation and the duration of the luteal phase.
A luteal phase defect may also occur.