system macro instruction 系统宏指令
inner macro instruction 内部宏指令
outer macro instruction 处部宏指令
keyword macro instruction [计] 关键字宏指令 ; 关键词宏指令
declarative macro instruction 说明宏指令 ; 宣告巨集指令 ; 宣告宏指令
ENTRY macro instruction 进入巨集指令
wait macro instruction 等待宏指令
service macro instruction [计] 服务宏指令
display macro instruction [计] 显示宏指令 ; 显示巨集指令
Considering the advantages of the two ways, a new approach is proposed which combines them with each other by using graphs to form macro-call instruction.
A phrase often associated with a macro instruction where one source language instruction is converted to several machine language instructions.
In macro process system , that part of macrodefinition which forms instruction format generated by the macroinstruction.