3个月的时间,有一个月我在泰国中部、东北部及北部旅行,另外两个月则待在美索镇(Mae Sot),担任台北海外和平服务团(简称TOPS)的实习生。重新翻阅当时的日记,发现很困难去书写。
关介绍 中文名:湄索 英文名:MAE SOT IATA:maq 为湄索提供航班起降的机场有: 。 湄索与个城市或地区有直飞航班。其中有条国内航线和条国际航线。 约有家航空公司在湄索的机场有飞机起降。
Centara Mae Sot Hill Resort 湄索山森塔拉度假村 ; 特森塔拉美索山度假村 ; 湄索中心山庄酒店 ; 湄索山盛泰乐度假村
Mae Sot Airport 距离湄索机场
Hop Inn Mae Sot Darco 达可哈普旅馆
The two countries have recently agreed to build another friendship bridge and create a second trade zone between Mae Sot and Myawaddy Township.
The refugee camps were first set up in 1984; there are now nine of them, settlements of bamboo-built houses behind barbed wire spread out not far from the border town of Mae Sot.
More than 200 refugees fled the fresh battles, escaping to Mae Sot on the Thai side of the Moei River opposite Myawaddy, where Mae Tao Clinic social workers gave them food, water and medicines.