加热蒸汽管道 steam trace 主蒸汽管道 Main steam pipe ; main steam piping ; steam-generator lead ; main steam line 中压蒸汽管道 medium pressure steam pipeline ..
main steam-piping system 主蒸汽管道系统
LBA Main steam piping system 主蒸汽管道系统
main steam piping noise 主汽管噪声
main steam piping system 主蒸气管系统
There are over high vibrations and noises of the main steam piping lines of a Nuclear Power Plant. Wear abrasion of the main steam isolation valves was found during the fall outage.
Project and system situation in Zouxian Power Plant were introduced, and the piping design parameters and the piping material of main steam system and main feed water system were determined.
As to piping-main scheme unit, boiler piping-main steam pressure is the important parameter of signifying the running state of the boiler.