维持保证金(maintenance margin):最低额度要求,原始保证金会因市场价格上涨或下跌而变动,若减少到某特定额度,即维持保证金,经纪商会要求客户补缴保证金,以防止客...
如有小额亏损,可简单地从基本保证金中扣除,到了预先设定的下限“最低保证金”(maintenance margin) 时,经纪行才会发出“追缴保证金通知”(margin call),要求客户存入足够的资金,令保证金回到足够的水平。
... maintenance grant生活补助金 maintenance margin最低保证金;保证金下限 maintenance of adequate capital维持足够资本 ...
maintenance margin requirement 维持保证金要求 ; 维持保证金
minimum maintenance margin 起码维持保证金
maintenance margin margin value date 其他
maintenance margin level 维持保证金额
Margin Maintenance Ratio 维持担保率
Margin maintenance call 征收保证金的要求
Maintenance E margin 维持保证金
maintenance U margin 最低保证金
This part, firstly, classifies the guarantee of the financing securities, and then, defines that it is one kind of trust aimed at supporting guarantee ,which is not typically a guarantee though, finally, analyzes the trust establishment ,the administration and action of the trust property according to trust theories, and discuss the system of share management, maintenance margin and forced open.
参考来源 - 融资融券交易制度法律研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
The initial margin set at 5%, maintenance margin set at 3%, and the liquidation margin set at 1%.
If the margin account balance falls below the maintenance margin level, the account balance must be brought back up to the maintenance level.
For as long as the Client's account shows an open position, the Client shall maintain the Maintenance Margin in the Client's account at all times.