... 众议院多数党领袖 house majority leader; majority leader of the house 参议院少数党督导员 minority whip of the senate; senate minority whip 参议院多数党领袖 majority leader of the senate; senate majority leader ...
He joked that when Joe Bruno, the formidable majority leader of the state Senate, invited him to dinner he accepted, but vowed to take a food-taster with him.
他开玩笑道,当时Joe Bruno,参议院大多数派的一位令人望而生畏的领导者,曾邀请他去吃饭,他答应了不过是在同应和他一起吃快餐的前提下。
Us Justice Department released on October 23, 2001 this picture of the anthrax-laced letter, which was sent to the Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, in Washington.
美国司法部23日展示了带有炭疽热病毒的信件照片,这封信是寄到位于华盛顿的参议院多数党领导人Tom Daschle的。