...本,看out of bag 错误率的 时候,也就是用那些在学习时没有见过这个样本的分类器去分类这个样本,再用多数投票 (majority vote)的方法决定分类结果。
majority-vote 从多数
majority vote rule 多数投票策略
Majority Vote Algorithm 多数投票算法 ; 众数投票算法
Moore majority vote algorithm 摩尔投票算法
By Majority Vote 通过多数票官员
decide by a majority vote 少数服从多数
That guy won't be able to win the election unless he gets some majority vote from women students.
Procedural matters may bedecided with a simple majority vote.
OK. Majority vote seems to be for differentials, but it doesn't mean that it is better.
Nepal's President Ram Baran Yadav sent an official letter to members of parliament asking them to choose a new prime minister by majority vote, after negotiations to form a coalition failed to reach agreement.
VOA: standard.2009.05.10
All right, let's try again. How many people vote that this is reversible? That looks like a majority to me. Irreversible?
Abraham Lincoln did not receive a majority of the popular vote in the eighteen sixty election.
VOA: special.2009.02.09