... look up to a person:仰望某人 make away with money:荡尽金钱 make for(=conduce to)happiness:助成幸福 ...
This way, 'an adviser can make purchase decisions based upon my instruction, but they can't run away with my money,' says Wealth Management Exchange's Mr. Cooper.
Wealth Management Exchange的库玻说,这样一来,财务顾问可以根据我的指示做出买进决定,却不能卷走我的钱。
The only way Chromebooks will take off is if wireless data providers give them away for free and make the money by charging for data, just as they've done with phones for years.
Chromebooks 唯一热销的可能就是运营商免费赠送设备而通过数据费用来赚钱,正如他们销售手机一样。