缔造(creative)是一种「自动使之发保存在(to bring into existence)的行为,具有「无中生有(make out of nothing)的性质 1988年英语词库字典对于缔造力(Creativity)的界说:「超越传统概念、法则、型态、关系,并缔造有意义的新概念、新法则、...
I can't make nothing out of it.
Worse, Select() clobbers the caller’s arguments if it times out and no socket is ready: the caller needs to make a copy of the three lists on each iteration even if nothing happens!
My opponent’s plan is nothing but smoke and mirrors: he’s simply pulled his numbers out of the air to make it look like he can balance the budget without new taxes.
他说:我那竞选对手的计划根本就是一个骗局。 他只是毫无根据地提出几个数字,让人们觉得好像他可以不增加新的税收就平衡预算。
so you have to make a garment out of nothing like paper bags or plastic bags.