... piece of writing] 绘画时画家点笔染翰 [bring out the theme;make the point clear] 用简要的话把文章或谈话的中心意思说出来 [transform iron to gold;the golden touch in writing by doctrous use of words] 本是古代方士的一种法术,用手一指点,铁即变成...
Having said all that, I would be remiss not to make one pointclear: the number of naturally inspiring, authentically committed, and contagiously optimistic leaders I have encountered in these countries far surpassed my expectations and is, on a relative basis, superior to other regions of the world.
And there are just so many other voices of authority out there in the field who I could point you to who also makeclear that the August 2nd deadline is serious, the consequences of default would be catastrophic.