Male Fern Rhizome 绵马贯众 ; 绵马贯众粉末
Extract of male fern 绵马浸膏
Male Fern Rhizome Rhizoma Dryopteridis 绵马贯众
male fern extract 释义雄羊齿蕨浸膏 ; 雄羊齿蕨浸膏
oil male fern 绵马油
extract male fern 绵马浸膏
male fern oleoresin 棉马树油脂
Dryopteris filixmas Male Fern 欧洲鳞毛蕨
male fern oil 绵马油
同义词: Dryopteris filix-mas
以上来源于: WordNet
N a fern, Dryopteris filix-mas, having scaly stalks and pinnate fronds with kidney-shaped spore-producing bodies on the underside: family Polypodiaceae 绵马; 多鳞的叶柄和羽状的叶子,肾形的产孢子身体在土壤之下