[ 复数 manufactures 第三人称单数 manufactures 现在分词 manufacturing 过去式 manufactured 过去分词 manufactured ]
V-T To manufacture something means to make it in a factory, usually in large quantities. 生产 [商业]
They manufacture the class of plastics known as thermoplastic materials.
The first three models are being manufactured at the factory in Dayton.
N-UNCOUNT Manufacture is also a noun. 生产
...the manufacture of nuclear weapons.
manufacturing N-UNCOUNT 生产
...management headquarters for manufacturing in China.
N-COUNT In economics, manufactures are goods or products which have been made in a factory. 工业品 [商业]
...a long-term rise in the share of manufactures in non-oil exports.
V-T If you say that someone manufactures information, you are criticizing them because they invent information that is not true. 捏造 [表不满]
According to the prosecution, the officers manufactured an elaborate story.