blue-mantled thornbill 蓝背尖嘴蜂鸟
golden-mantled tree kangaroo 金披凤树袋鼠
glacier-mantled 冰雪覆盖的
Chestnut-mantled Oropendola 栗背拟椋鸟
Light-mantled sooty albatross 灰背信天翁
Snow Mantled The Ground 雪覆盖着地面
mantled dome 盖层穹隆
mantled howler 长毛吼猴
N-SING If you take on the mantle of something such as a profession or an important job, you take on the responsibilities and duties which must be fulfilled by anyone who has this profession or job. (职业或工作的)责任; 职责 [书面] ['the' N 'of' n]
We have the rare opportunity to seize the mantle of national leadership.
N-COUNT A mantle of something is a layer of it covering a surface, for example a layer of snow on the ground. 覆盖物; 幕; 罩 [书面] [with supp]
The parks and squares looked grim under a mantle of soot and ash.
N-SING In geology, the mantle is the part of the earth that lies between the crust and the core. It is divided into the upper mantle and the lower mantle. 地幔 [技术] ['the' N]
→ see also mantel