manual controller [自] 人工控制器 ; 手动控制器 ; 手控机 ; 手动第器
local manual controller 现场人控制控制器
force-reflecting manual controller 力反馈手控制器
manual mode controller 手动控制器 ; 手动节制器
Manual Polarization Controller 手动偏振控制器
manual speed controller 手动速度控制器
manual l controller 手动控制器
manual indicator controller 手动指示控制
hand controller manual mode controller 手动控制器
manual l mode controller 手动控制器
The satisfactory controller design problem can be completely transformed to solution of the LMIs without manual intervening in choosing parameters.
Considering the inconvenience of taking and installing of industry computer, this article proposes the project of manual controller.
The manual for the controller may have been lost.