基数效用理论又称边际效用理论(marginal utility theory),该理论认为,效用是可以计量并且可以加总求和的。这就是说一种产品对一个人的效用,可以用基数(cardinal number)来测量,如:...
marginal utility theory of value [经] 边际效用价值论 ; 边际效用价值说
marginal utility theory of interest 利息的边际效用理论
marginal-utility theory of value 价值的边际效用论 ; 边际效用价值论
marginal utility theory of taxation [税收] 课税的边际效用理论
the theory of marginal utility 边际效用论
theory of marginal utility 边际效用论
marginal utility value theory 边际效用价值论
theory of marginal utility value 边际效用价值论