船用主机 » Marine main engine 伊瓜苏大瀑布是世界上最宽的瀑布,位于阿根廷与巴西边界上伊瓜苏河与巴拉那河合流点上游23公里处,为马蹄形瀑布,高82米,宽4公里...
Marine main engine operation 船用主机操纵
marine main engine supervision system 船舶主机监测
Marine Main Diesel Engine 船舶柴油机 ; 船用主柴油机 ; 船舶柴油主机
main marine diesel engine 主柴油机 ; 船舶主柴油机
main marine engine 船舶主机
Cracks in Marine main engine or auxiliary engine body may lead to scrap of the machine or serious accident, which is a badly hidden trouble for safety of a vessel.
Test to reliability of remote-control system of marine main engine is very important, for it concerns much with the safety of marine power set, even the ship itself.
船舶主机遥控系统的可靠性, 关系到船舶动力装置及整个船舶的安全, 对其可靠性的检验尤为重要。
This paper proposes a method to build up a model of a Marine main engine based on BP neural network. A new method of selecting leaning rate is also stated using dynamic optimal algorithm.