China Maritime Arbitration Commission 中国海事仲裁委员会 Maritime Arbitration Award 海事仲裁裁决书 American Maritime Arbitration Organization 美国海事仲裁组织 ..
The arbitration procedure shall be governed by the Rules of Arbitration of China Maritime Arbitration Commission and the award made by the Commission shall be final and binding on the parties.
第五条 仲裁程序应当依照中国海事仲裁委员会仲裁规则的规定进行,仲裁委员会的裁决是终局的,对各方均有约束力。
The arbitration procedure shall be governed by the rules of arbitration of China maritime arbitration commission and the award made by the commission shall be final and binding on the parties.
A valid foreign maritime arbitration agreement ensures that the arbitral procedure can go well. And it is also the direct basis for the recognition and enforcement of the arbitral award.