具有集体象征资本者便愈形成区辨标记(mark of distinction), 具有独特性、 真实 性与特殊性的宣称, 此区辨标记具有无法复制的价值, 便可奠定壟断地租的基础。
It's supposed to be a mark of distinction, but going GREy is now the top concern for British men, according to new research.
Owning a violin made in their workshops was for the main European courts and the great musician, not just a mark of distinction, but also a guarantee of the excellent quality of the instrument.
在当时,能为主 要的欧洲宫廷和伟大音乐家们制作产于自家作坊的乐器,对于制作商而言不仅是声名显赫的标 志,而且也是乐器卓越品质的保证。
The grading of projects is such that the pass mark is 50 per cent and 70 per cent + indicates distinction level work.
项目的分级是这样的,及格分数为50%和70% +表示区分层次的工作。