market penetration 市场渗透率 ; [贸易] 市场渗透 ; 市场渗入 ; 行销渗透
market penetration strategy 市场渗透 ; 市场渗透战略
market-penetration pricing 渗透定价
Estimated Market Penetration 估计的市场渗透
Market penetration rate 市场渗透率
market penetration price 市场渗透价格 ; [物价] 创市价格
Market Penetration and Competitive Strategy 市场渗透和竞争策略
mass-market penetration strategy 大规模市场渗透战略
Market Penetration Ratio 市场渗透率
Miliband said that once a Sunday Sun was launched, possibly in August, this would add further to the Murdoch empire's penetration of the UK media market.
We're behind the competition. They've had similar items out for some time. What can we do to get market penetration for our product?
This is still far above the annual global demand of 5,000 tonnes, and oversupply and lower market penetration in Europe have pushed opium prices to their lowest levels in ten years.