market mechanism [贸易] 市场机制 ; 市场调节作用 ; [贸易] 市场结构
the market mechanism 市场机制
non-market mechanism 非市场机制
water market mechanism 水市场机制
audit market mechanism 审计市场机制
apply market mechanism 运用市场机制
using market mechanism 运用市场机制
sports market mechanism 体育市场机制
talent market mechanism 中国人才市场机制
Auction and bidding are mature and efficient market mechanism.
参考来源 - 拍卖与招标中的政府市场行为This causes the market mechanism and the technical innovation relations are more complex.
参考来源 - 企业技术创新与市场结构的互动机制研究②The relationship of land supply and demand is confusion. The research means that the particularity of land supply and demand is it is hard to induce market mechanism in industry land on the one hand.
参考来源 - 基于土地市场发育的土地集约利用机制研究The reasons of corruption’s breeding are the defects of market mechanism and the flaws of legal system .
参考来源 - 社会转型期预防腐败问题研究This paper put out an idea of the government regulation reform, considering cost of the regulation system implementation, anglicizing possible alternative market mechanism.
参考来源 - 政府规制执行及其市场替代机制研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet
The economic market is a self-correcting mechanism, that does not need regulation by government.
They should resist, because there is no reason to believe that in such sectors the basic market mechanism has failed.
There is, in fact, no market mechanism to take account of the cost of polluting the air and water in Hengjiang.