【正文快照】: 一、我国证券市场有效性不足的原因 市场有效性理论(Market Efficient Theory)主要研究信息与证券价格之间的关系。该理论的提出者──美国芝加哥大学教授尤金·法玛(E·Fama)认为,“如果所有证券价格都充分反...
EFFICIENT MARKET THEORY 有效市场理论 ; 效率市场理论 ; 效率市场假说 ; 理论
the efficient market theory 有效市场理论
efficient market theory emt 有效市场理论
We now know that the efficient market theory is for the birds, and that market failures can have devastating consequences for wide sectors of the public.
If the efficient market theory is correct, technical analysis should not work at all; the prevailing market price should reflect all information, including past price movements.
THE basic idea behind efficient market theory is that it seems implausible that there are $20 notes lying on pavements waiting to be picked up.
有效市场理论(efficient market theory)的一个基本思想是:你不可能在大街上发现20美元钞票等着你去捡。