retail market segment 零售市场细分
Target Market Segment Strategy 目标市场选择策略 ; 目标市场战略
Market Segment Theory 市场分割理论
market-segment scope 市场细分范围
market segment specification 市场分割规范
market segment hypothesis 市场分割假说
targeted market segment 目标细分市场
Market segment strategy 细分市场策略
N a part of a market identifiable as having particular customers with specific buying characteristics 细分市场; 具有特定顾客群的一部分市场,该部分市场具有特定的购买特征
Rarely do members of a particular market segment group themselves neatly into a meaningful program target.
There is the program target—people in the market segment with the "best fit" characteristics for a specific product.