stationary gaussian markovian process 平稳高斯
one order Markovian process 一阶Markov过程
versatile markovian process 成批加工
non-homogenous markovian process 非齐次马尔科夫过程
generalized semi-markovian process 广义半马尔可夫过程
Markovian renewal process 马尔可夫更新过程 ; 马尔可父更新过程
Markovian decision process 可夫决策过程 ; 马尔可夫决策过程 ; Markov决策过程 ; 马可夫决策程序
Markovian arrival process 马尔可夫到达过程 ; 马氏到达过程
A colony "birth-and-death" process is complicated stochastic process, a Markovian process with the nature of Poisson. And it cak be studied by the theory and method of Markovian decision programming.
By Applying the theory of Markovian renewal process, this paper deals with the problems of how to determine the reasonable scale of storehouse and how to manage storehouse in a planned way.
The optimal control policy of machine service rate and preventive maintenance rate is derived from Markovian optimal decision process formulation.