Marriage license 结婚证 ; 结婚证书 ; 结婚执照 ; 结婚许可
Copy of Marriage License 结婚证书复印件 ; 结婚证复印件
a marriage license 申请结婚执照
Confidential Marriage License 结婚许可证
Marriage License Request 结婚证书请求书
Marriage License Bureau 婚姻登记处
Obtain A Marriage License 取得结婚证
marriage license applicants 结婚登记人员
Each state issues its own marriage license.
If a few instances define the standards, then just getting a marriage license in the United States should have a warning imprinted in gold.
Brad and Angelina may have been too untamed once for anything as stuffy as a marriage license. But then they had children have already done their domesticating damage.