这些感人的画面也成就了那首被观众所喜爱的《婚姻生活》(Married Life),由此可见,吉亚奇诺的音乐是柔美而衷情的,它极为单一,反复使用的旋律如同一个人的固执。
《第四者》(Married Life)是一部集合了各式浪漫爱情的黑色喜剧,呈现出现代人缤纷的爱情观与婚姻观,剧情根据名列史上100 大犯罪推理小说的《五叉路口到天...
...公主”艾米·亚当斯的爱情喜剧《明星助理》(Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day),四星闪耀的犯罪喜剧《婚后生活》(Married Life),以及英伦玫瑰凯特·贝金赛尔的疗伤正剧皆同时扎堆上演,让北美影市恢复了吵吵嚷嚷的人气。
Contented Married Life 令人满意的婚姻生活 ; 令人 ; 令人满意 ; 令人满意的婚
Inventions and Married Life 其他发明及婚姻生活
Mabel's Married Life 美宝的婚姻 ; 梅伯的婚后生活 ; 生活 ; 马贝儿的婚姻生活
How's married life 婚后生活怎么样
Happy Married Life 瑟调琴弄
Happier married life 婚姻生活更幸福
T Married Life 跨界音乐
Their Married Life 他们婚后生活
以上来源于: WordNet
Are you enjoying married life?
Married life made him feel hedged in and restless.
They were very happy throughout their married life.
For the first time in his married life, Mr. Mindon felt as important as his wife Millicent.
VOA: special.2009.01.31
Milton is adamant throughout the epic in his insistent imagining Adam and Eve quite specifically as a married couple - and a married couple -- and this is important to Milton -- a married couple with an active sex life.
So, suppose you fall in love with somebody and you decide you want to marry them and then somebody was asked to ask you why and you'd say something like, " "Well, I'm ready to get married this stage of my life; " I really love the person; " the person is smart and attractive; I want to have kids" whatever.