...[PDF 2016-04-06·《人格与命运:中国人的九型人格》(沈文卓)影印 2016-04-06·《男人约会往北,女人约会往南》(Mars and Venus on 2016-04-06·《黄自元楷书临九成宫贴》(胡昌华)扫描版[PDF] 2016-04-06·《敦煌学论文选萃》((法)谢和耐、苏远鸣)扫描版 2016-04-0...
Mars and Venus on date 男人约会往北
Let's pretend to go back in time, and observe life on Mars and Venus -before the planets discovered one another or came to Earth we can gain some insights into men and women.
Seen on a July winter night from Lake Taupo on New Zealand's North Island, the line-up features Venus, Regulus (alpha star of Leo), Mars, and Saturn from lower left to upper right.
这个景象出现于新西兰北岛陶波湖的冬季七月天空中,从左下到右上排成一线的是金星venus、轩辕十四regulus(狮子座leo的第一亮星)、火星Mars和土星Saturn (Virgo是室女座)。
Other space agencies, notably Russia's, plan to continue exploring: Russia talks of a robotic base on the moon, and unmanned trips to the surface of Venus and the moons of Mars.