...点自西向东到IAU 矢量的角距,则有(对火星而言, ψ 在第二 象限): cosψ = IAU·B . (14) 在火星观测者(Mars Observer)的行星常数、模型和其他一些文献中,采用了定义为从 IAU 矢 量到瞬时秋分点的角距Δ : ψ + Δ = 180°. (15) 取J 2000. 0 ...
Mars observer laser altimeter 火星观测激光测高仪
The Mars Observer is to be deployed from an America space shuttle.
Methods: to detect peripheral blood t lymphocyte adn in the patients with liver failure treated with MARS and the normal control by flow cytometer, observer the regular pattern was observed.