质量加速器(Mass Driver):是一种利用电磁投射原理开发的航天运输器械。简单地说,这是一座巨大的多段轨道炮,以洛仑兹力将航天载具逐级加速到第一宇宙速...
Active Mass Driver 主动质量阻尼 ; 主动质量驱动控制系统 ; 为了给主动质量阻尼 ; 系统
Mass Storage Driver 驱动程序 ; 存储安装的驱动顺序 ; 存储安装的驱动步伐
active mass driver system 主动质量驱动系统
USB Mass Storage Device Driver 读卡器驱动
Driver mass 驾驶员质量
The force alerted the FBI, who launched an operation which led to airport shuttle bus driver Najibullah Zazi, 24, being charged with conspiracy to use weapons of mass destruction.
He continually returns to symbolism that stands in opposition to the natural world: the bureaucratic, the technological and, most specifically, the car, the driver, the mass movement of traffic.
The mass-storage controller detection and device-driver selection processes that are performed during the Text mode portion of Setup follow a different process.