Master of Public Administration 公共管理硕士 Master of Arts in Education 教育学硕士 MS Electronics and Communication Engineering 电子通信工程硕士 ..
master of arts in counseling ministry 心理咨询学文学硕士 master of arts in education 教育学文学硕士 master of arts in english 英语文学硕士 ..
...别是课程与教学专业硕士 (Masters of Arts in Teaching and Curriculum,简称MATC)、教育文科硕士 (Master of Arts in Education)和读写教学文科硕士 (Master of Arts of Literacy instruction),三种学位的招收对象、课程设置、教学方式各有不同。
The teacher's language arts has an important significance on enhancing the ability of students to master sports skills and to develop creative thinking in physical education.
Feng Shu (1981 -) was born in Beijing and received his education at the Central China Academy of Fine Arts, Sculpture Department and acquired both Bachelor's and Master Degrees.
冯澍(1981 -),出生于北京,2005至2007年间于中央美术学院雕塑系就学,取得学士和硕士学位。