...场国脚,现执教凯尔特人队,与奥尼尔是好友,指教真空期最著名是在BBC与艾德里安·奇尔斯搭档主持当日球赛2(Match of the Day 2)节目。他的冷面笑匠形象及对球赛的精辟见解使他大受观众及球迷欢迎。
In truth, I would miss men. I would miss their smell, and their fragile sweetness, and the way they look at Match of the Day 2 in that lopsided manner, like a lion ogling a chicken.
South Africa's vuvuzela trumped 1 the Mexican wave in the big match of the day in the stands while Mexico salvaged 2 a late draw against the hosts in the World Cup opening game on Friday.