... 数学模型 mathematical model; 数学模型法 mathematical model method; 数学期待值 expectancy; expectation; ...
...法与“数学实验”(Mathematical model method and “mathematics experiment”) 数学模型方法(Mathematical model method)是通过建立和研究客观对象的模型来揭示对象本 质特征和变化规律的方法。
the mathematical model method 数学模型方法
method of mathematical model 数学模型方法
Mathematical Model and Mathematical Method 数学模型与数学方法
mathematical method model 数学方法与模型
zone-method mathematical model 段法数学模型
mathematical model and computational method 数学模型与计算方法
Studied the rapid tests method and the mathematical model method simultaneously in the same experiment.
The key to a successful calculation and prediction of welding process by mathematical model method is the selecting of an appropriate model and its parameters.
In view of this, this article analysis the new product proliferation theory system structure, using mathematical model method to analysis the opportunity of the market and the proliferation.