Matte Finish 布纹相纸 ; 喷砂面 ; 不能使用布纹相纸
Ultra-Mat Perfect Matte-Finish 具体看不出是什么 ; 具体看不出是什幺
Caudalie Matte Finish Fluid 葡萄籽控油霜
dulle matte finish 无光泽涂漆
The Matte Finish 该粉嫩
Matte Finish Fluid 葡萄籽控油霜
White Matte Finish 白色哑光
All Matte Finish 完全哑光质感
Plush leather, matte-finish tactile buttons: quality craftsmanship.
Since pickling leaves the stainless steel with a matte finish, the bodies are then lightly polished to restore some lustre.
Not red, but also limited, a few days after the restoration of a smooth matte finish.