em>Maxtor(杩堟嫇) 链嶅姟鍣ㄧ‖鐩朴浜у搧鎼灭储铡效涓嶉檺Seagate(宁屾嵎) IBM WD(瑗块儴鏁版嵁鏁扮爜浼翠荆 鏁扮爜鐩告 鎺屼笂鐢佃剳 鐢靛...
Maxtor Corporation 迈拓公司
maxtor shared storage 迈拓网络硬盘
Maxtor DiamondMax Plus 它以迈拓金钻
Maxtor Diamond MaxII 迈拓钻石二代
Maxtor DiamondMax Plus 9 它以迈拓金钻
Maxtor MT-SW 迈拓MT
Maxtor safety drill 裸机系统恢复
Maxtor Fireball Plus AS 金钻六代AS
Maxtor MT-KVM8A 迈拓MT
以上来源于: WordNet
This will open your Maxtor hard drive to reveal any files or content saved to it.
Seagate Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd, originally named Maxtor Corporation is another large disc drive volume production site in China.
Connect one end of the USB cable to the USB port on your Maxtor hard drive. Next, plug the other end to an open USB port on your computer.
将US B数据线一端连接至迈拓硬盘usb接口,另一端连接电脑的USB接口。