...变幻,注意身体健康,不要感冒了 » Weather changes, pay attention to health, not cold 我不是以前那个我 » Me instead that I 肝脏肋下2.5厘米 » Liver ribs 2.5 cm ..
In that case, don't say "Hey! You're trying to cheat me!" Instead, use the phrase, "I understood that."
It hurts me that I was wrong in my disagreement that instead Holland chose an ugly path to aim for the title.
Or when I tell people I am too tired to do something, I ask that they respect that instead of telling me I can do it anyway.
On the other hand, if the balance from here on out would've been negative, then it's good for me that I died now instead of being kept alive with a life not worth living.
If that would've been worth having, then-- if the next chunk of my life would've been worth having-- then it's bad for me that I die now instead of living for the next ten years.
stay there because who knows, there are 20 million other things I might have said, but instead let me give you the opportunity to ask questions that you would like to raise, particularly if you want to ask about how they fought, as long as we have a phalanx here we might as well use it if we need too.