mean sun [天] 平太阳 ; 平均太阳
hour angle of mean sun 平太阳时角
right ascension of mean sun 平太阳赤经
right ascension mean sun 平太阳赤经
Greenwich hour angle mean sun 格林尼治平太阳时角
fictitious mean sun 假平太阳 ; 假想平均太阳
mean sun hour angle 平均太阳时角
mean Earth-Sun distance 日地平均距离 ; 当地球位于日地平均距离
His wild-west origins mean that he has rattlesnake fangs, and unlike European vampires, he is powered by the sun.
What do you mean 'moon and sun'?
And then his third law was that if you take the orbital period of an ellipse, that is proportional to the third power of the mean distance to the Sun.