... 排除故障时间 de-bugging period 平均故障时间 mean duration of failure; mean failure time mft; mean time between breakdowns; mean time between failures, mtbf; mean time to diagnostic; mean time to failure; mean-time-between-failure; mttf 包装机械 packaging machinery; packing machinery ...
Mean Time Between Failure 平均无故障时间 ; 故障平均时间间隔 ; 平均无故障可用小时 ; 平均故障间隔时间
MTBF Mean Time Between Failure 平均故障间隔时间 ; 平均无故障时间 ; 平均故障间隔 ; 平均失效间隔时间
mean-time-between-failure rate 平均无故障工作时间
Mean Time Between Failure MTBF 平均故障时间间隔
mean operating time between failure 平均失效间工作时间
mean time between significant failure 平均重大失效时间
mean time between first failure 释义首次故障间的平均时间
mean time between system failure 平均系统故障时间
mean time between component failure 平均部件故障间隔时间
Mean time to failure is the average continuously operational period — i.e. the average period between the end of one failure and the beginning of the next.
The goal of any good systems administrator is to avoid being a victim of the mean time between failure value of hardware and find a way to mitigate the risk of a disk failure.
The proportional allocation factor and the allocation formulae expressed in terms of failure rates and mean time between failures respectively are given.