...中的任意一个确定. 1)真近点角(True Anomaly):近地点到卫星位 置的夹角,方向沿卫星运行方向. 2)平近点角(Mean Anomaly):假定卫星在一 个圆轨道上运行,在该轨道上的周期与实际椭圆轨 道的周期相等,此时近地点到卫星位置的夹角即为 平近点角.平近点...
... 引燃角点弧角 firing angle 平均近点离角 mean anomaly ; mean 点与点的角关联 pointangularcorrelation ...
monthly mean anomaly 月平均距平
initial mean anomaly 平近点角初值
mean block anomaly 平均区域异常
mean temperature anomaly 平均气温距平
root mean square anomaly 均方根异常
mean sea surface temperature anomaly 平均海面水温距平
mean gravity anomaly [地物] 平均重力异常
month mean temperature anomaly 月平均气温距平
mean time of anomaly 平均异常时间
以上来源于: WordNet
Through the GA model, the orbital elements of each satellite such as altitude, inclination, RAAN and mean anomaly are optimized.
An "anomaly" can also mean that a safety problem at a facility could have resulted in greater damage than it did or that radioactive material has been stolen or transported incorrectly.
Results show that the climate and anomaly field of monthly mean temperature is characterized by low-order.