... 麻疹病毒 measles virus 麻疹病毒疫苗 measles virus vaccine 麻出红肿 measles with red and elevated rashes ...
killed measles-virus vaccine 灭活麻疹病毒疫苗
attenuated measles virus vaccine live 减毒活麻疹病毒疫苗
german measles virus vaccine 德国麻疹病毒疫苗
live attenuated measles virus vaccine 麻疹簿减毒活疫苗
Measles live virus vaccine 麻疹活病毒疫苗
SSPE due to wild virus has been reported in persons who have been immunized with measles vaccine and have no history of symptomatic natural measles infection.
The neutralization antibody levels for measles vaccine virus and wild measles virus in sera of measles patients in acute phase and convalescent phase were determined by trace neutralization test.
Measles vaccine is a live attenuated vaccine, vaccination against measles virus can stimulate the body to generate antibodies that protect the body from infection.