...网系统发生机械故障(MechanicNfailure)的概 率大小为评价标准而进行研究的评价给水管网的机械可靠性(Mechanical reliability)(或网给水管网的络结构可靠性【3”,其中假设管网的运行水力条件不变) 和以管网系统发生水力故障(Hydraulicperformance failu...
Mechanical reliability design 机械可靠性设计
thermo-mechanical reliability 热机械可靠性
Mechanical reliability engineer 可靠性机械工程师
Packing mechanical reliability 包装结构可靠性
MRR Mechanical Reliability 机械可靠性报告
Mechanical reliability Tests 机械可靠度测试
mechanical reliability model 力学可靠性模型
mechanical reliability report 机械可靠性报告
Fnally useing the stress - interference theory in mechanical reliability to calculate the sensitivity of the chip FLASH in SiP system . According to the analysis results of the reliability sensitivity, position of SiP chips was optimized by ANSYS software.
参考来源 - 系统级封装(SiP)的随机振动分析·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
This paper discusses the mechanical reliability of long—length optical fibers.
One of the important tasks in the mechanical reliability design is mechanical reliability allocation.
No flexible shaft coupling is required, and there are no bearings to wear out, meaning greater mechanical reliability.