abstract:Mechanized Infantry () are the basis of the Ukrainian Ground Forces. They execute tasks of holding the occupied areas, lines and positions tasks of enemy’s impacts repelling, of penetrating enemy’s defense lines, of defeating the enemy forces, of capturing the important areas, lines and objects, operate in structure of marine and landing troops.
The2ndbrigadeof the [3rdMechanized Infantry] Division reached the southern outskirts of Baghdad and is currentlylocated near the intersection of the Baghdad-Amman and Baghdad-Karabela highways.
The 5th Corps' combat strength was estimated at 30, 000 troops when the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq began March 20, but it is unknown what toll heavy airstrikes and desertions have taken on its three infantry divisions and one mechanizedinfantry division, U.S. military sources told CNN.
Mr. MICHAEL EISENSTAT (Washington Institute for Near East Policy): It has to be a much larger, a much more capable force and it probably has to include light and mechanizedinfantry, armor, light artillery, as well as special forces who are capable of conducting a counterinsurgency and counterterrorist type operations.