Men's Designer Wear 精品男装
Designer Men's Wear 精品男装 ; 精品男装区
Men's Wear Designer 男装设计师
Haruko designer men's wear 春子精品男装
Senior Designer-men's wear 高级男装设计师
At its best, it is always about more than clothes, as the men's wear designer Patrik Ervell asserted before his Monday presentation.
在它最好的状态,它几乎总是超出衣服的概念,像男性服装设计师Patrik Ervell在他的星期一的演出前宣称的那样。
Angelo Galasso, an Italian men's wear designer with a store in London, has velvet shoes to match his silk-lined, piped-edged, five-pocket velvet jackets with working cuffs (1,750).
意大利男装设计师安吉洛·加拉索(Angelo Galasso)在伦敦设有分店,他设计了带工作袖套、以丝绸作里衬,再用天鹅绒鞋来搭配的五个口袋的滚边型天鹅绒夹克(售价为1750欧元)。
Angelo Galasso, an Italian men's wear designer with a store in London, has velvet shoes to match his silk-lined, piped-edged, five-pocket velvet jackets with working cuffs (1, 750).
意大利男装设计师安吉洛·加拉索(Angelo Galasso)在伦敦设有分店,他设计了带工作袖套、以丝绸作里衬,再用天鹅绒鞋来搭配的五个口袋的滚边型天鹅绒夹克(售价为1750欧元)。