mental test 心理测验 ; 智力测验 ; 心理测试 ; 撕下你的假面具
mental test for convict 罪犯心理测验
mental test of offenders 罪犯心理测验
mental test psychological test 心理测验
mental test of police man 警察心理测验
Abbreviated Mental Test 测验 ; 智力测验 ; 例如简明智力测验
a mental test 智力测验
Abbreviated Mental Test Scale 简易智力测试量表
mental test method 心理测验法
MerrillPalmer Scale of Mental Test 梅跋心理测验量表
Many people now misunderstand emotional intelligence as almost everything desirable in a person's makeup that cannot be measured by an IQ test, such as character, motivation, confidence, mental stability, optimism and "people skills."
Its value is decided by the scientific evidences and practical function of mental test conclusions, and its privative force should be determined by judges, for its admissibility of evidence.
Mental test comes to be a new issue in the field of penal evidence and its positioning is closely connected with its fate.