...为: “相对价格经由了先存 ( preexist- 时又进一步深化对于人类行动的认识,并将制度ing) 的心智构念 ( mental constructs) 的过滤,而 变迁动力源归结于 “心智构念”,即 “人们通过某先存的心智构念则形塑了我们对这些价格变化的 些先 存 的 心 智 构...
preexisting mental constructs 先存的心智构念
Well we can only do this WITH you by distilling these mental constructs to their simple essence and taking a look at how they truly serve you - or not.
I would guess that modern humans, with no natural predators but themselves, and with all their toys and mental constructs and cosy rooms, are relatively easy to creep up on.
Do we subconsciously associate what we see in user interfaces with mental constructs that areassociated with what we’ve experienced from a sensory perspective in thephysical world?
Once you know what pieces to look for, what mental constructs to reach for, can you realize all right I want to make some dancing figures go back and forth, I need to loop this way and loop this way and check if I'm on the edge and so forth.