举亴:(俗称——中立词语) 弱智、傻子——智力障碍/在智力上常被挑战的(Mentally Challenged) 残废——残障(近亵旰改称『身障』者,梦台铁)、残疾(1949 夰后中国大 陆常见),和与其他合称为「身心障碍 疯子、歇斯底里...
...y handicapped),后来只能被叫做有精神残障(mentally disabled)的人,好像最近又被改成叫精神受挑战的人(mentally challenged)。然而这种主流社会对于有色人种包括华侨、华裔的歧视仍然是根深蒂固的,只是更为隐蔽和内敛而已。
There is a baseball pitcher who makes more than $4 million a year even though he has been labeled 'mentally challenged.
有个棒球投手,即使他被冠以“标新立异”的标签,他仍挣着超过四百万美元的年薪。 收藏。
After Billy's parents are killed he moves home to care for his little brother Johnny, who is mentally challenged. Together the two struggle through the loss of their parents.
当比利父母被杀害后,他搬回家来照顾神经有问题的第弟约翰尼, 他们对父母的死亡颇为悲痛。
From the architect. The Chosen children Village Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to the creation of a home environment for physically and mentally challenged children.