... MPR Multiple Protocol Router 多协议路由器 MPS Message Processing System 信息处理系统 MPS Mobile Phone Service 移动电话业务 ...
... 数学规划系统 (mathematical programming system) 讯息处理系统 (message processing system) ·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于 NoteExpress ...
automatic message processing system 自动信息处理系统
mps message processing system 信息处理系统
shipborne message processing system 舰载文电系统
AMPS Automatic Message Processing System 自动报文处理系统
computer-assisted message processing system 计算机辅助信息处理系统
message processing distribution system [计] 信息处理分配系统
A typical message broker system will often be processing multiple requests from the same stream or queue in a parallel, asynchronous manner.
Making these estimates may be difficult until message processing rates are known and real customers are using the system.
This confirmation message is sent asynchronously, that is, no response is required and the message is simply queued to the main system for processing.